Structural Integrity Restored Using CEM Ties & HD Bow Ties

The Problem
ASRS were contacted by a consulting structural engineer who required a specification and quotation for structural stabilisation works to the front elevation of a residential property. Prior to providing the quotation, one of our many Helifix approved surveyors carried out a survey at the property. Whilst visiting the property it became apparent that we needed to restore the structural integrity of the masonry where delamination and bowing had occurred.
The Solution
Our team of approved installers installed Helifix Cem ties to the full front elevation positioned at 700mm centres horizontally, 450mm vertically with additional ties at 300mm vertical centres within 225mm of openings. Installing Cem ties provided a connection between the external masonry and internal masonry where delamination had occurred.
We also installed 2 new timber noggins between the existing end grain floor joists at first floor level, followed by installing 10 No Helifix HD Bow ties through the external masonry into the new timber noggins at first floor level to add lateral restraint. HD Bow ties reconnected the external masonry back to the internal first floor joists. Installing Cem Ties and HD Bow ties offered substantial resistance to further bowing and delamination.
Completed Project
Once the installation was complete, we made good of all areas of render disturbed by our installation. All work was completed within time and budget and we provided the client with a 10 year Helifix indemnified guarantee.
The Problem ASRS were contacted by a consulting structural engineer who required a specification and quotation for structural stabilisation works to the front elevation of a residential property. Prior to providing the quotation, one of our many Helifix approved surveyors carried out a survey at the property. Whilst visiting the property it became apparent that […]