Lintel Problems

The Problem
ASRS were contacted by a domestic client who was looking for a solution to his lintel problems. The brick soldier course lintel to the first floor had failed which had caused cracking and sagging, subsequently the masonry above had dropped. As a control measure the property owner had put a make shift prop in place to help stop any further movement until the problem was addressed.
The Solution
ASRS met the client at his property to discuss the way in which we could rectify the problem and stop any further movement. Whilst on site ASRS discovered that the end bearing of the floor joists were rotten so the wall had no connection at first floor ceiling level to help support the loadings.
The specification that was designed was to install Helifix masonry beams above the first floor window to distribute the structural loads, additionally new joists were bolted to the existing floor joists where the end bearings had rotted within the wall and Helifix HD Bow ties were then installed to make the connection between the external/internal masonry and first floor ceiling joists. Once this had been completed, Helifix Cem ties were then installed to reconnect the brick soldier course lintel back to the masonry panel above.
The repair took 2 days to complete and the client could remove the original propping 3 days after completion to allow the Helifix resin and Helifix Helibond grout to cure.
The Problem ASRS were contacted by a domestic client who was looking for a solution to his lintel problems. The brick soldier course lintel to the first floor had failed which had caused cracking and sagging, subsequently the masonry above had dropped. As a control measure the property owner had put a make shift prop […]